Your Money-Saving Vehicle Maintenance Checklist

Keeping up with maintenance is important for avoiding expensive vehicle repairs further down the line. That’s what this simple vehicle maintenance checklist is for.

Vehicle repairs are expensive but necessary. What happens when the car breaks down and there’s no money to fund the repairs? Taking a loan and depending on unreliable alternative transport methods aren’t pleasant options.

This situation could in many cases have been avoided by staying on top of maintenance.

It’s not a huge task to keep track and do the necessary maintenance work once in a while.

This vehicle maintenance checklist will make it easy to keep vehicles in a good condition and save money on repairs.

1. Cleaning the Battery

A toothbrush and some baking soda are all it takes to clean a car battery.

Keeping the battery clean is often overlooked, but important. Especially during the summer months, because the heat can cause problems with the battery if you’re unlucky.

Mixing a generous teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water makes a cleaning solution. Gentle scrubbing of the battery’s terminals with the toothbrush and this solution keeps everything clean.

2. Changing The Oil at the Right Time

Most drivers know the importance of oiling their vehicles on a regular basis. It’s very important. But many people are actually doing it when it’s not really needed.

The old rule of thumb says it’s necessary to have an oil change for every 3,000 miles or so.

This isn’t the case with all cars, especially not the modern ones. It’s an old rule of thumb, but workshop owners love this misunderstanding.

The owner’s manual of the vehicle will have the correct information about when to change the oil.

3. Checking and Adjusting the Tires

Tires need proper attention. Not just when there’s a serious issue. That’s a recipe for disaster.

Without the right amount of air, the tires will change how the car runs. Most notably, it will make the brakes work harder. This can make it hard to stop the car. Eventually, it can ruin the brake system.

This also increases the risk of accidents a lot. On top of the lethal danger, this can cost a lot.

It’s also wise to rotate the tires, to make sure they don’t wear out at different rates. It’s easy to forget this task, and how often to do it.

Most tires should be rotated about every 6,000 miles. The recommended timeframe is usually given when new tires are bought.

4. Listening for Strange Sounds

If something sounds off, something is off. Strange sounds from the car are warning signs and must not be ignored.

Unidentified noises with no clear explanation mean it’s time to get the car checked out.

One common source of strange sounds that is cheap and easy to replace is a worn down belt.

Ignoring this issue often leads to the car shutting down all of a sudden. This often involves damage to the engine, when the snapped belt wreaks havoc.

5. Keeping the Coolant in Check

Ensuring proper cooling and lubrication can save heaps of money over time.

This ensures the engine won’t overheat or suffer from build-up issues.

The coolant level should be monitored often. If it gets low, damage from overheating is a matter of time. It’s not an all-or-nothing issue, overheating can be gradual.

Avoiding the need to buy a new engine will keep costs down a lot.

Save Money with This Vehicle Maintenance Checklist!

These maintenance tasks are crucial and easy enough for any car owner.

Staying on top of maintenance will prevent many costly repairs and unsafe situations over time.

If you have more questions, feel free to contact us.

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